Saturday, January 05, 2008

Grand Canyon Helicopter Tour Awesome

True to my word, I spent the day in the Grand Canyon today. Weather in the Grand Canyon was pretty good considering the fact that California experienced "Blizzard Conditions". The Weather Channel warned about a number of storms that would start hitting the Western Coast on Friday. California and Utah were both expecting record amounts of snow and rain. At 11:36pm on Friday night, it's still raining in Cali and they are talking about floods and mud slides in Northern California...along with cooler weather and more rain.

Lucky for me, I'm in Arizona in a state of awe. I took my first helicopter ride today with the Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopters company. I knew the weather was going to be crazy today, so I booked in early and stood by during a small flight delay period. I agreed with the company...better not to be be flying around in a helicopter during high wind & snow fluries.

We departed the airport at 11:45am on the Imperial tour. Everything from take-off to landing was breathtaking. For me, my helicopter flight through the GCNP was the best experience yet. Whitewater rafting, skydiving, driving fast cars, roller coasters, speed boating....none of them are better then flying in the front seat of a helicopter.

After 50 minutes flying over the canyon, I was ready to go biking. While getting my bike saddled up the snow flurries started again. The snow only lasted for about 10 minutes so my trip wasn't delayed long. I decided to hike instead of bike. Got some great pictures..check them out in my photo album. Either watch the slide show on the right, or click the slide show to see larger versions of all photos.

Depending on the weather tomorrow, maybe I'll do another helicopter ride before heading to California. I'm excited to see my mom and brother tomorrow. We are not sure what we will do while in Palm Springs, but I know we'll find something fun. Until we talk again...enjoy the pictures.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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